Mega Matrix

Mega Matrix

Welcome to the Mega Matrix

228x62cm ideal paddler weight range (60-90kg + - 10kg)
wider , lower profile nose and more tail rocker make the newest of new in the Mega range a real flyer - In it's first competition it came first in the Ladies HP and 2nd in Mens HP  thanks to Lucy and Pablo . It is very fast , very agile but also looks after you when you need it .


Take a look at these films by Matt and Pablo

You can see footage of Pablo's semi final here (starting at 2m27s )




Hey there Pete heres my Matrix review :

I've paddled pretty much every ‘real' short High Performance boat on the market (as opposed to adapted long surf boats adopted by some riders to make the most of poor surf conditions and take a paddling advantage in contests) and know that designs always lead to tradeoffs.

Some boats fly down the, gathering speed, charging across soft sections and will throw you in the air for ridiculous aerial maneuvers if you have the skills (most notably the Mega Edge and Phantom which have taken me to 3 British Masters championships in the past few years).

Then there are boats with a little more rocker, which can be easier to turn but can struggle for speed and performance when the conditions become soft (as evidenced by many elite riders who hedge their choice of HP boat with an adapted long surf boat for contests run in poor conditions).

I love the speed, and I love the ‘at the top' projection of the Edge but over the past year I've been exploring the tradeoff between speed and turning ability. Having tried boats that, by virtue of increased rocker, turn more fluidly or quickly I'd reached a conclusion the tradeoff with speed was inevitable.

Then I tried the Matrix…….

At around 87Kg (192lbs) I am on the upper end of the weight range for the Matrix and the first couple of times I paddled it, I tried to ride it like an Edge and was concerned about a lack of speed - in large part due to my weight but also related to the way it picks up speed. Boats like the Edge, you can place on its long, straight rail and it will blast off whereas the Matrix likes to be turned from rail to rail and on every turn you will gain more speed - even on relatively weak waves . In addition that rocker and tail profile provides you with the ability to always be in the power pocket, even on the smallest waves. Gun a section, see the flats coming, slash a roundhouse and you're back in the sweet spot. Super, super maneuverable!

While the rocker profile makes an incredibly agile craft, the aggressive profile of the hull (a very slight twin concave) delivers all the speed you could need and the softened rail at the front lets you get away with ridiculous moves off the lip. Also, at my weight I was a little concerned about paddling out - particularly through heavy and punishing beachbreaks like back home in Bude. Thats one of the areas where the reduced volume in the nose really comes into its own. Largely boats with lots of volume up front can get caught by foam piles, and often thrown backwards. But, the Matrix slides through and mostly pops you over large piles of foam that other boats would struggle with. That reduced volume also lets you get away with ridiculously radical and vertical slashes at the top without ‘catching' the nose, which simply slices the water a little like a squirt boat. And finally that reduced volume and pulled in deck makes rolling far easier than rolling HP boats with larger / more bulbous decks.

After 2 weeks of owning my new Matrix, it was time for the twice-postponed British Championships. Now, everyone tells you not to change your craft just before a major contest but I had been so eager to try my new boat that I'd ignored common wisdom and played in it exclusively. However, the forecast looked awful, terrible, weak mushy conditions were forecast which I knew I could compete in the edge but wasn't so sure in the smaller Matrix.

How wrong I was. Consistently across the weekend the Matrix performed, from some pretty weak conditions on Saturday afternoon to pumping shoulder high ramps in the finals on Sunday. I took first place in every masters heat and won my 4th British title with a booming aerial in the final. The other thing I discovered as the weekend went on, and I dialed the boat in ....... there is no speed / maneuverability tradeoff!

The boat turns as aggressively as any HP craft on the market, slashes hard, but also picks up more speed than any boat I've ever ridden. After the finals, both of the paid judges commented that it clearly carried the most speed of any boat seen over the weekend, regardless of conditions. So I'm stoked to have the fastest, hardest carving HP boat out there, With no tradeoff!
Marc Woolward 4x British Masters HP champion.


My first surf in the Matrix was at an unforgiving break and I was expecting a punishing session of getting in tune with a new kayak. What I found was the easiest high performance surf kayak to get to grips with. It took steep drops in it’s stride and somehow surfed cleanly through some situations where I deserved to catch a rail, stall and take a beating!

What I really liked was being able to quickly put the boat wherever I wanted to on the wave. This responsiveness made it agile enough to set up for lip hits and airs quickly.

Often boats sacrifice speed for maneuverability or vice versa. However I found that the Matrix doesn’t compromise, managing to occupy a sweet spot achieving both.

That said, in the words of Morpheus… “Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself”!

Philip Watson UK Mega team


Recently, I picked up a new boat by Mega Kayaks, the Matrix. I've spent enough time in the little boat to know it well enough to write up a little review. Right off the bat I am impressed. The Matrix has retained all of the speed of the Edge while somehow being much looser. I've got huge fins in and I can still turn like its nothing. With the boat now weighing anything and the big drive I get back to the lip getting vertical has been pleasantly consistent and always has soft landings. Again, I am impressed and I have a feeling that I'll be in this boat for some time.
Thanks Peter Holgate for hooking it up!
Mathew Hoff USA Mega team


When we first started thinking about the design for the matrix all Icould think about was going faster and faster. I wanted a boat that fitted the smaller lighter population but still gave out all the performance the Edge had to offer. We made the boat narrower and cooked up some razor sharp edges and double concave. The product of our imagination and extensive testing created a HP monster. So fast and responsive. For me its perfect, i like riding super fast walls and taking off super late. The matrix has handled everything i have thrown at it. I cat wait to get it on my next expedition and see just how far i can push the limits of this shred machine. 

I don't think you need to change anything on this new craft, it truly squeezes every ounce of shred out of the waves. My brother tried it and was blown away. I think we've struck gold !

Doug Cooper .... Could be anywhere Mega Team


I paddled the Matrix prototype today and loved it! Surf was about 3 foot with very little wind.

First impressions were that it looked more aggressive than the boost, I love the seating position and the less volume in the front.

It was fast on the flat water and had no problems making it over any whitewater. I found it really easy to catch waves and it picked up speed really quickly! Once it was going it gave tons of drive through the bottom turn and up the face. I was impressed how well it carried speed especially for a heavy prototype. Up to the lip it was really responsive (if I can get it in the air it must be good).
J Horwell  .....

MATRIX | It's a brand new surfkayak concept 

I have Mega surfkayaks for a long long time. Lot's of shapes and models since the Reflex, Maverick, etc etc. All great fun and performance as usual. Nevertheless, we all have our special ones. For instance, according to my size, the Boost was perfect. Later, I met the Edge... wow. What a speed! Now... the Matrix. In one word: PERFECT! The confort of Boost plus the speed and performance of the Edge in an outstanding shape. I was really determined to continue with the Edge and Pete... you were so right when you told me, here at Peniche... "Luis, Once you try the Matrix. It's impossible to go back" ;) And that's pure true!!!

luis pedro abreu | editor

Things you need to know:

Shipping  : We ship worldwide . Please email at us for the best quote available !
Our kayaks : Every kayak is custom made to your design and build spec choice.

Out fitting ; We include;


Our standard seat,

adjustable back strap,

one set of fins ,

3 pairs of foam foot blocks

and recessed stainless steel grab loop mounts

Colour : There is no standard colour or design , we will try to match your design choice. See examples.

Order: You don't have to order online, if you prefer you can call , email , facebook message or even Whasap .

Once ordered: we will send you confirmation emails and clarify that your order is as you wish before your payment is processed

Order time: It will take about 6 - 8 weeks to complete your build

Delivery: This website calculates delivery, If you prefer to collect from us then we will deduct the postage price before your payment is processed


Build Specs : See here

Our price: £1550.00
including VAT 20.00 %
Build spec
Back rest
Glitter Deck
Travel bag
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